My Favorite Travel Podcasts

Almost every day I go on a walk for at least 45 minutes to an hour. My main goal is to get in some light exercise, but I also use that time to listen to podcasts. Since Erin and I are working towards a life of travel, I’ve mainly been listening to travel podcasts. These are a few of my favorites:

The RV Entrepreneur

This is currently my favorite podcast. It’s hosted primarily by Heath Padgett who lives in an RV with his wife Alyssa. The focus of the podcast is entrepreneurs who travel full-time. Heath does a great job interviewing a wide range of entrepreneurs that give advice about starting and running a business while traveling.

It has a ton of great advice specific to RVs, campers, and travel trailers, but also business in general. Even if you have no plans to do any long-term travel, this is a great podcast just for the business tips alone. They actually ended the podcast in July of this year, but with 233 episodes there’s plenty to listen to.

Zero To Travel

When I first started going for walks I was looking for a good travel podcast and stumbled onto Zero To Travel. Jason Moore interviews all kinds of travelers, although it leans more towards international travel. The cool thing is no matter who is being interviewed or what the focus of the episode is, you will always find a useful nugget of info.

There are also a ton of really cool personal stories behind some of the travel. One guy walked 310 miles in Medieval Armor to raise awareness and money for a charity supporting mental health. Another guest has a travel show that focuses on LGBTQ+ travel. It’s a great podcast with a lot of episodes and you’re sure to find plenty of inspiration for whatever your life goals are.

Craft Beer Travel & Adventure Podcast

If you’re looking for something that’s a little different than your typical travel podcast, check out this one from Ken and April over at Living a Stout Life. As the name suggests, they love to talk about craft beer and as full-time travelers, they get to explore breweries all over the country.

One of my favorite things is they interview brewers around the country working on cool projects. For example, on a recent episode they talked to a guy with a brewery in Michigan that raises awareness and money for an organization that supports people with Down syndrome. There are plenty of awesome stories to be found in the beer world and you can hear a lot of them on this podcast.

That’s it!

All of those awesome travel podcasts should be available on whatever app you use for podcasts. I personally use Overcast and love it. It has a setting that lets you automatically skip the intro and/or outro of any podcast, with the time for each being customizable. It also has a setting that skips over periods of silence in the podcast. And my favorite feature is that you can set the play speed up to 3x the normal speed. Combining that with the option to skip silence means you can spend less time learning more things.

So there you have it! If you have other travel podcasts you enjoy I’d love to hear about them in the comments.