About Me

Me at the summit of Mount Saint Helens

Hi, I’m Thomas and I was born and raised in Nashville, TN. From a young age, I was drawn to computers and started writing code and making websites before most people even knew what the internet was. Despite being a nerd, I’ve always enjoyed sports and been pretty active. I was a serious runner for several years, then switched to ice hockey when I was 33. Anything to get away from that dreadful Tennessee heat.

Around that same time, I was part of a happy hour group that met every Friday after work. One week I noticed a new face in the crowd and we ended up talking for hours. Fast forward 2 years and we were standing on a beach in Maui getting married. 3 years after that we moved to the west coast where I fell in love with the outdoors.

Growing up in the oppressive heat of the south I had never really enjoyed being outside other than on a boat where I could jump in the water to cool off. But living in WA is different. There’s so much natural beauty that’s so amazing it doesn’t even feel real sometimes. I started hiking, set and accomplished a goal of climbing Mount Saint Helens, and got Erin addicted to camping.

More recently I’ve been focusing my creative juices on writing. I’m working on content about the outdoors and travel. I’ve also been kicking around a couple of ideas for books, but nothing final yet. Stay tuned!